health & wellness seminars


Wellness Seminar 1: Health Insurance Coverage Information

Summary: In this Seminar, Dr. Jeffrey Bailey, DNP/FNP-BC and Stacie Wallace, Medical Practice Manager covered the basics of health insurance and defined terms that often come up when choosing a healthcare plan. Click the link below for a detailed summary, and check out the full recording.

Seminar Date: April 10th, 2024 8:00 PM EST

Password to access the recording: GmwpSeminar1

Additional Resources

Stacie Wallace, Medical Practice Manager is available for Private Insurance Tutoring (PIT) at $40.00 per half hour or $75.00 per hour.

Contact Information:

  • Stacie Wallace:

Wellness Seminar 2:  Anita Bueno Discusses the Feldenkrais Technique

Summary: The Feldenkrais Method is a type of exercise therapy devised by Israeli Moshé Feldenkrais during the mid-20th century. This multilevel workshop seeks to aid its participants in reorganizing connections between the brain and body to improve body movement and the participant’s psychological state.

Location: Woodcock Back Porch (Good Weather) or Pavilion (Bad Weather) 

Seminar Date: July 3rd, 2024 2:00 PM EST

Additional Resources

About the Instructor: Anita Bueno 

For 10 years, Anita designed public lands and recreation areas for the US Forest Service. In 2006, she founded BuenoLuna Landscape Design [now Cummings Landscape Architecture], a design/build firm in the San Francisco Bay Area. In 2017, a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis in 2011 changed everything. As a result, she became a Feldenkrais practitioner in 2017.

Today, Anita uses the process of embodied learning to inform how she works, how she relates to herself and others, and generally, how she moves through life. Surprisingly, this has shifted her towards becoming the best version of herself thus far, and she looks forward to sharing what she's learned about process!

Anita has an MLA from UC Berkeley and a BA from Colgate University in philosophy and religion. She is a guild certified Feldenkrais practitioner.

Wellness Seminar 3: Prioritizing Your Health on the Go…A Primary Care Seminar for Traveling Professionals

Dr. Jeffrey Bailey, DNP/FNP-BC

Summary: Workers in all facets of the performing arts require a myriad of knowledge to aid them in maintaining their health while working away from home. Like anyone else, workers within this “gig-economy,” can suffer gaps in healthcare and therefore this seminar provides practical tools and helpful suggestions for maintaining a regular primary care regimen, balancing exercise and nutrition, and hints for getting sufficient rest to keep bodies and minds of all ages in good condition. 

Location: Woodcock Back Porch (Good Weather) or Pavilion (Bad Weather)

Seminar Date: July 8th, 2024 2:00 PM EST

Wellness Seminar 4:  Mental Health on the Road…A Guide to Wellness When Living Away from Home

Jenny Bailey, Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC, MA, NCC

Summary: Living and working away from home means your routines and lifestyle are interrupted. Therefore, balancing and maintaining your peak mental health can be tough and can lead to anxiety and distress. Sometimes your usual habits and routines can’t be depended on for comfort in these new situations, especially if the environment is culturally different from what you’re used to. This workshop seeks to provide practical tools and tips for maintaining wellness and practical guidance “on the road,” and suggestions on how and when to seek care for a new or worsening mental health concern.

Location: Woodcock Back Porch (Good Weather) or Pavilion (Bad Weather)

Seminar Date: August 1st, 2024 2:00 PM EST

About the Instructor: Jenny Bailey

Jennifer is a nationally certified counselor and holds a master’s in clinical Mental Health Counseling. In practice, Jennifer utilizes an integrative approach to counseling based on the unique needs of each client, recognizing the strengths and resources one already has as well as the potential for change within the human spirit. Jennifer views her clients as individuals through a lens of positivity that guides the therapeutic experience. Her professional experience includes culturally inclusive work with teens and adults. Additionally, Jennifer works with couples to improve communication, rebuild trust, and increase emotional connection.

Additional Resources