Report an Issue

This form is used to schedule a session with Mykai Eastman, Chief Equity Officer. If a situation arises in the workplace or any Glimmerglass property that requires third party action or mediation from an HR Advocate, please fill out this form.

You are also encouraged, but not required, to complete the NYS Complaint Form for Reporting Sexual Harassment and submit it to

If you have been injured on the job, please complete the Incident Report Form.

If you believe that you have been subjected to sexual harassment, gender discrimination, or any other form of harassment or discrimination you are encouraged to report the issue to your direct supervisor. If you feel uncomfortable speaking with your direct supervisor, you are welcome to bring the issue to the following individuals:

Andrea Lyons, Executive Director
Office: Woodcock Administration Building

Karen Flanagan, Director of Finance
Office: Woodcock Administration Building

Mykai Eastman, Chief Equity Officer
Office: Woodcock Administration Building