Welcome to the Glimmerglass Company Management HOUSING Page! Here, you can find all the answers related to HOUSING AT GLIMMERGLASS.

Fun Fact: Housing at Glimmerglass is one of the BIGGEST projects Company Management will undertake. With roughly 300 seasonal artists, craftspeople, and staff relocating to Cooperstown every summer, our 12-person team is responsible for maintaining five company-owned properties and 70-80 leased houses per year. That's 218 rooms and 235 beds!

Company-Provided housing

The company-owned properties are Malton Place, the Spring Park Complex, the Stonybrook Complex, and Lime Kiln. Each offers a unique living experience with different styles of room and varied occupancy.

All residences are within a 20-mile radius of campus to allow for ease of transportation after a late-night rehearsal.

Shared living spaces and kitchens can be expected in any housing with the possibility of shared bathrooms in spaces with more than one occupant. All apprentices will stay in double rooms with a roommate, all staff members will stay in single rooms.

Company-provided housing is pet-free. Exceptions may be made for an ESA (Emotional Support Animal). If you believe you qualify to bring your ESA with you this summer, please reach out to your Supervisor and the Director of Company Management at rgill@glimmerglass.org.


  • Move in for company-owned and leased housing begins one day prior to the start of your contract. For example, if your contract begins Monday, May 12, you may move into your residence on Sunday, May 11.

  • Glimmerglass apprentices will share a room with one other apprentice. Seasonal staff members are guaranteed a single occupancy room but will likely share a kitchen, living area, and often a bathroom with other staff members and/or apprentices.

  • Yes, company-owned residences have off-street parking on property. For other parking related questions please visit the Transportation Page.

  • No, company-owned and leased housing are pet-free zones. If you need to bring a licensed service animal or certified emotional support animal (ESA), please contact Company Management immediately.

  • No, for those here without a vehicle, laundry runs will be provided by Company Management once per week. For more information please see the Transportation Page or Area Reference Guide provided by Company Management.

  • Grocery runs will also be provided once per week to any company member without their own transportation. Please see the Transportation Page for more details.

  • While requests are always welcome, Company Management cannot guarantee your choice of roommate or residence. However, our team will make every effort to honor each request made prior to move in.

  • Due to the rural location of Cooperstown and the surrounding area, we are unable to guarantee internet for all housing. However, WIFI is provided in all company-owned buildings including company-owned housing, the rehearsal hall, the box office, and on campus.

  • You are in full control of what you want to bring for your dates of employment. About two weeks prior to your arrival, you will receive an Arrival Email with full details about your residence location. Each residence has a "Housing Checklist," included in this email, that indicates what is available at that location but if you have a favorite kitchen spoon that you do all your cooking with, please plan to bring it. One thing to note is that if you are assigned to Company-Owned Housing (Malton, Spring Park, Stonybrook, Lime Kiln), you will need to bring your own linens. Bedsizes will be provided in your Arrival Email.

  • All your mail needs to be addressed to our location here on campus. You may pick it up at the Woodcock Administrative Building.

    Mail Information:

    Due to the Glimmerglass Festival’s rural location, there are several important things you need to know about mail and package services.

    When you fill out a change of address card at your current post office, be sure to check the “temporary move” box and enter the date you plan on LEAVING Glimmerglass. Do this even if you do not plan to return to your current address. When you leave Glimmerglass, you need to fill out another change of address card and submit it to your ORIGINAL post office. This will cancel your temporary address change and have your mail routed to your next address. This may sound odd, but it is necessary to do it this way because the Springfield Center Post Office is run by ONE postal employee; during the off-season, they are unable to keep up with forwarding mail for our 400 seasonal employees.

    Due to federal guidelines, all personal mail sent to the business office will be opened by the receptionist and all mail sent by the United States Postal Service to the physical address will be returned to sender.

    All mail sent to you through the United States Postal Service (USPS) should be sent to the Seasonal Staff Mailing Address. All mail intended to reach the business office should be sent to the Business Mailing Address. All personal packages (yes, including Amazon) or letters sent via UPS, FedEx, or Airborne Express MUST be sent to our Seasonal Staff Package Address.

    Seasonal Staff Mail/Package Address:

    Your Name

    7300 State Highway 80

    PO Box 129

    Springfield Center, NY 13468

    *Please be sure correspondents indicate which department you are associated with (i.e. YAP, costumes, electrics, development, etc.)

    Business Mailing Address:

    The Glimmerglass Festival

    ATTN: name of person or office

    PO Box 191

    Cooperstown, NY 13326

    *Please be aware that all mail sent to the Business Address will be opened by an Administration representative

    Physical Address:

    The Glimmerglass Festival

    ATTN: name of person or office

    7300 State Highway 80

    Cooperstown, NY 13326



Consisting of three motel-style wings, a three bedroom house, communal kitchen spaces, and a large recreational room, Malton Place is the closest residence to the theater at just 2 minutes from campus. 

New to Malton Place is the Infirmary located in what was the former Malton Office. 

Spring Park Complex

Located in Richfield Springs, the Spring Park Complex comprises three residential buildings that house 24 individuals just 15 minutes from the theater. 

Spring Park Motel

Five motel-style, single occupancy bedrooms.

Spring Park Lodge

A seven bedroom Victorian home housing up to 11 people. 

Spring Park Cottage

Three apartments, seven bedrooms housing eight people.

Stonybrook Complex

Located in Richfield Springs, Stonybrook House is a triple occupancy home with individual bedrooms attached to the Stonybrook Motel. Due to renovations, Stonybrook Motel will remain closed for the 2024 season.

Lime Kiln 

Located in Cherry Valley, Lime Kiln houses 20 people in 17 bedrooms with 10 ½ bathrooms. The property is just 15 minutes from the theater.

Housing Deposits

Anyone staying in leased or company-owned housing will have a security deposit deducted from their second paycheck. This deposit will be returned, barring any damage to the residence, by November 1. 

Deposit amounts are structured as follows:

  • $300 - Guest Artists/Designers

  • $200 - Staff Members 

  • $150 - Apprentices/Young Artists